8Share Philippines Shuts Down - A Mother's Road

March 29, 2017

8Share Philippines Shuts Down

It's confirmed! 8Share Philippines is officially retiring. Months ago, there has been a lot of speculation among members that the site will shut down soon. A lot of us expressed our sentiments on 8Share Facebook Page and we are not getting any response so it led us to believe that it's really coming to an end.

Official Statement:

This statement was posted just today, March 29. I find this unacceptable. Was it a tactic to delay the announcement? It would have been better if they have informed the members earlier if they will impost a deadline. Or they should have just declared bankruptcy, which is more reasonable.

Please don't get me wrong! It's been a great experience to be part of 8Share.  I was able to cash out once and won a contest they've hosted. However, I think their sudden retirement and just the way it ended was really terrible. Trust has been damaged and as for me, I can no longer trust another sharing site from the same company after what happened.

But still...thanks for a wonderful journey, good bye!

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